Living Rent Free

Published: May 22, 2019, midnight

b'Introducing The Living Rent Free Expert Ian Usher Living rent free is the dream for most people across the world. You have a roof over your head, but someone else is paying for the majority of your expenses. Seems too good to be true? Well back on\\xa0\\xa0I first interviewed a guy who had an amazing story of action taking. Which has pushed him into living a rent free life across the world.\\xa0 It was eleven years ago in 2008, when he made headlines across the world. This was action taking born out of desperation and despondency. \\xa0 How The Dots Started Joining Up For Ian Usher He auctioned his entire life. His car, home, job and friends all went on eBay, after his marriage collapsed six years after leaving the United Kingdom and setting up home in Australia. He earnt \\xa3192,000 and instead of settling back into domestic life with the sudden windfall went for adventure. He created a bucket list of 100 things to do and went out and did them. If you want to hear how that all continued then jump over to the interview After all the publicity died down, using an additional windfall from the Disney Corporation he bought an Island. This wasn\\u2019t quite living rent free but was one of the dots getting him there. Yes instead of slipping back into the typical life style of a northern Englishman he continued the adventure. In 2011 he bought a small\\xa0island\\xa0off the coast of Panama in the Caribbean, which he later sold to Graham Hughes. The first one to visit every country on earth and also paid us a two part visit on\\xa0\\xa0and\\xa0 As he says \\u201cOnce again, as I did in 2009 when my house in Australia sold, I find myself without any ties, no property, and very little in the way of possessions. And I feel incredibly free.\\u201d So what do you do then on the road to living rent free? How do you take this feeling of liberation and freedom and create additional income streams for yourself? Well as we tackled on his second visit to the show, his action taking moved him into the wonderful world of house-sitting. Upon a chance meeting with\\xa0\\xa0his living rent free lifestyle started taking shape. He now lives a life travelling the world. Living rent free as he stays in properties everywhere, experiencing a lifestyle that others crave. And now will be a simple step to start enjoying yourself. So when he started house-sitting was living rent free the first thing that occurred to him, or a forgotten perk? And how can be get involved and start living a similar lifestyle? Well let\\u2019s find out how to start living rent free as we join up even more dots with the one and only Ian Usher. \\xa0 Show Highlights During the show we discussed such subjects with Ian Usher such as: Why house-sitting is an amazing way to experience life across the world whilst being free from major restraints. We discuss the restrictions that appear in your life time and time again that arent there. Why the life you take is always based around action taking first and foremost. No one can stop you other than you Ian reveals how his dad showed him experiences were worth so much more than money in so many ways. And lastly\\u2026\\u2026\\u2026. We talk about the effort that is involved in making something seem very very easy. \\xa0 Other Tips For Living Rent Free There are of course loads of ways to start living rent free if you think about it. List a Room With Airbnb. Get Enough Roommates to Cover Your Mortgage Payment. House Sit for Others. Find a Rent-for-Work Situation. Find Work as a Live-In Nanny or Pet Sitter. Manage an Apartment Building. Live with a Relative and Do Chores for Rent. Move Back in With Your Parents.'