Living A Stress Free Life

Published: April 10, 2019, 10:20 a.m.

b'So you want to start living a stress free life?Well you aren\'t alone, and to be honest why wouldn\'t you want a stress free life?It brings about a better standard of living.Supports better health, and mindset.And its just better to be thinking about your lifestyle from the point of freedom and enjoyment isn\'t it?Who wants to wake up every morning with that churning in the pit of their stomach.As they start thinking of all the things that they have to deal with throughout the coming day.Adding more and more things to the list as they go on their merry way.What Do We Think Stress Free Truly Is?Well i will say to you that the key to living a stress free life is starting each day with a firm criteria of what is important.Making sure that you can brush past things that occur because they were never part of your planning.So why should you be dealing with them.It\'s about living a stress free life, not how much can we possibly do before collapsing at the end of the day.Being a master if stress free living, I have concluded that the following list is what makes it all come together.You wake up, smile as the squirrels and birds make your breakfast and have a pleasant 24 hours.Ready to start with the Join Up Dots Guide to Living A Stress Free Life?How To Start Living A Stress Free Life Part OneDo What Makes You HappyBy focusing in on what makes you happy in life everyday will be one that you look forward to.You will spring out of bed with enthusiasm and energy ready to tackle things head on.Of course, i can hear you all saying "Yeah, but i have a job to go to that doesn\'t make me happy"So balance things out.By all means do the things that you have to do, as you have responsibilities. But dont keep on doing the things you dont want to do.\\xa0How To Start Living A Stress Free Life Part TwoDo One Thing Only Per DayEveryone of us in life and business have a lot to deal with.It\'s life and life is betting busier and busier with more asks of our timeMore often than not, people make a huge mistake by not defining what they are doing each day.So they add more and more spontaneous things that land on them as they cant say No."Fancy a drink tonight as I really need to talk to you" asks a colleague you work with.Instead of saying "No i cant do this, but I can make the time on Thursday evening instead" we juggle everything to make it happen.That is a seriously bad mistake and won\'t led to anything good in your life.Living a stress free life is about you being in control of what is important.If you do so many things everyday how do you work out what is important to you and your future.Choose one main thing a day and protect the rest of your time.You will see everything start to work like an amazing well oiled machine.Living a stress free life isn\'t hard you know!How To Start Living A Stress Free Life Part ThreeTake Time To Think And ReadNowadays people seem to read less and less.Even though this isn\'t the longest article in the world i bet you have fancied skipping it.You see, we are so focused on scanning news-feeds and twitter feeds we have lost the ability to focus.Don\'t get me onto the subject that no one can be bored anymore either.Actually I am on that subject, so why do people have to get their phones and scan rubbish at every spare moment?Sit and think about nothing or everything.Let your mind wander.Give yourself the chance to learn something worthwhile with your spare seconds.Give your brain and your eyes a chance to do nothing and you will thank me.Stress free life sometimes means doing nothing.How To Start Living A Stress Free Life Part FourDon\'t Take On Other Peoples ProblemsIts crazy how many of us think we are letting people down by not dealing with their problems.We bend over backwards to give them advice, and find ways to help them.Then more often than not they dont do anything with our advice that makes us feel bad.Why did we spend the time helping them, when they didn\'t do anything with our help?Why did we give so much of our energies to them?If you want to start living a stress free life then you have to stop doing this and let them handle it themselves.They got themselves into that position in the first place, so let them get out of it.Ok, you are thinking "Wow that\'s a bit harsh"You would be right for them, but that\'s not what this article is all about.This is about dealing with your stresses and making things good for you isn\'t it!So don\'t be a doormat for everyone\'s problems. Be selective to those who deserve it and you will see stress just slip away.Promise you.How To Start Living A Stress Free Life Part FiveStop Focusing On What Needs To Be DoneAs we move towards living a stress free life we have to realise something.You will never ever get everything done.The day you die, you will be on your death bed with a list as long as your arm of things you failed to do.That\'s ok.It just means that you didn\'t get to do them.So relax and as we said on Part Two, just choose one thing per day to tackle and do what you can.It\'s quite liberating to think that you dont have to do everything isn\'t it?How To Start Living A Stress Free Life Part SixStop Comparing Your Life With OthersFacebook is terrible for this.I guess any social media is full of people showing you the great stuff they are doing.Rarely, expect for the truly unguarded moments do people say "God my life is rubbish"So why does everyone spend so much time looking at this fake existence?Why do people stare down at their own lives and think "God this is boring compared to what they are doing?"Stop it.Living a stress free life should be about accepting what you are doing as brilliantly amazing.Comparing your own existence against what it is already giving to you.How brilliant to look at your own Facebook feed and think "Wow how amazing that life looks"?All you have to do is make it happen and the stresses will just float away.'