LISTENER SUCCESS: The Ibizan Hound Changes A Listeners Life

Published: May 17, 2023, midnight

b'The Ibizan Hound Changes A Listeners Life Dear David, I hope this email finds you well. I have been a long-time listener of Join Up Dots podcast, and I wanted to take a moment to share my recent success story with you. Thanks to the motivation and inspiration I gained from your podcast, I have finally taken the plunge and started my own business online selling items for the Ibizan Hound. The journey has been challenging, but it has been worth it. I am pleased to share that my business has been thriving, and I have finally quit my full-time job to focus solely on growing my business. Additionally, I am excited to announce that I am embarking on a new adventure of traveling the world in a converted school bus with my partner. I am grateful for the guidance and encouragement that you have provided through your podcast, which has given me the confidence to take these leaps of faith. I am confident that this new chapter in my life will be an incredible experience, and I look forward to sharing my journey with you and your listeners. Thank you for all that you do, David. I hope this email brings you joy and inspiration. Best regards,'