LISTENER SUCCESS: Starting A Business With No Knowledge

Published: March 11, 2024, midnight

b"LISTENER SUCCESS: Starting A Business With No Knowledge From DIY to Dream Homes: How Jane and Bertie Kaplinsky Built Their Home Renovation Empire Tune in to this week's episode as we dive into the inspiring journey of Jane and Bertie Kaplinsky, a dynamic duo who turned their passion for home renovation into a booming business! \\U0001f3e0 The Backstory: After tuning in to the Join Up Dots podcast, Jane and Bertie were struck with inspiration. They noticed that their DIY-savvy friends were struggling to find a steady stream of customers for their businesses. Determined to make a difference, they embarked on a mission to transform the world of home renovation. \\U0001f4a1 The Big Idea: Armed with their DIY expertise and a network of talented contractors and designers, Jane and Bertie set out to offer top-notch home renovation and remodeling services. But they didn't stop there \\u2013 they dove headfirst into learning about SEO, Google My Business, and online traffic generation to make sure their business would stand out in the digital age. \\U0001f527 The Strategy: Jane and Bertie knew that to succeed, they needed to think outside the box. They decided to contract out certain aspects of their business while focusing on delivering personalized solutions tailored to each client's unique needs and preferences. \\U0001f31f The Results: Thanks to their dedication and strategic approach, Jane and Bertie's business is thriving! They're not only transforming homes but also building strong community connections along the way. From networking events to online engagement, they're spreading the word and making waves in the home renovation world. Ready to be inspired? Don't miss out on this uplifting episode featuring Jane and Bertie Kaplinsky's journey from DIY enthusiasts to home renovation moguls! Share with your friends and join the conversation using #HomeRenovationHeroes and #DreamHomeMakeover. Let's make home dreams a reality, one renovation at a time! Listen now on Join Up Dots \\u2013 where dreams become reality!"