Linkedin Marketing

Published: April 23, 2018, midnight

b'How To Get Red Hot Leads To Your Business With Linkedin Marketing My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired\\xa0Join Up Dots free podcast interview is with a man who from the very beginning seems to scream "I am an entrepreneur....let\'s have fun" As he says "I\'m 26, from the UK and 5 years ago I quit my job to become a digital nomad. Since then, I have travelled across 15 countries whilst simultaneously building 2 success businesses. I built and sold a traditional bricks and mortar business and I have recently started a growth hacking agency which is on track to go from zero to $500,000 ARR within it\'s first 12 months, with zero investment and I only work 15-20 hours per week.\\xa0The business is something almost anyone with a laptop can start from home, and I\'m happy to share how I have done it. Which is the kind of guest we love on Join Up Dots, so got your pen and paper ready my faithful listeners? Of course this kind of success isn\'t something that happens overnight, and will of course have many dots that lead to this point. His dots begin when he left the Coventry University with a BA in Enterprise and Entrepreneurship, and quickly started his business building by inventing Freshers Survival Kit, a novelty, fun and and unique kit with all the essentials you need to get through freshers week! He then proceeded through several more startups and businesses, leading to where he is today, the owner of Linked Hacker. His company uses LinkedIn to identify\\xa0people in a businesses target market. They can target almost anyone, from local small business owners to CEOs of billion dollar corporations on the other side of the world, which lead to 10-20 leads per week All on automatic pilot, which is of course the life blood of any business. So where does he see this business going? As one more dots on his road to global domination or as he finally found the thing that will be "The Business"? And what has made the difference to this business, in regards to growth compared to his other ventures? Hit lucky, or simply he knew what his market wanted? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Mr. Lee Betts Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Lee Betts such as: He shares the reasons why he started his first business with a reason as simple as he wanted to spend more times with his mates. Lee talks about why he checks out, which is an amazing resource for anyone looking to build a business that travels. Lee reveals why he has built a business model that means that he can lose a client or two without any worries at all and lastly\\u2026. Why its such an amazingly simple concept to double down on what you are good on your talents to bring the greatest results into your life.'