
Published: Oct. 11, 2017, midnight

b'Linkedin Ads Are The Magic That All Business Needs, So Why Do Very Few Business Owners Know Anything About Them. My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired\\xa0Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who has built a business around a need that so many of my colleagues need. How to create laser targeted lead generation straight to the heart of the business folk across the world using LinkedIn. After our guest began advertising on\\xa0LinkedIn in 2011, he quickly discovered its powerful potential for business to business (B2B) advertisers. He was so passionate about the results he was seeing, he left his\\xa0job to start B2Linked in 2014. As he says " As\\xa0online marketer since 2007, I\\u2019ve managed hundreds of\\xa0Google AdWords campaigns. I\\u2019ve always been fascinated by the lead quality from intent-based targeting. I love the concept of being present when customers are at the bottom of the funnel, and who are ready to make a purchase. Fast forward to 2011, I was\\xa0introduced to advertising on LinkedIn. Frankly, I figured that it likely wasn\\u2019t a good platform because I hadn\\u2019t heard of it before then. As I continued diving deeper into LinkedIn, I began to see the value that I felt the industry has not picked up on. In 2014 I founded B2Linked in an effort to spread the success I was experiencing through LinkedIn advertising to other companies B2Linked\\u2019s\\xa0mission and vision is to share the value of LinkedIn advertising with other B2B marketers and help individuals and companies realize the value of LinkedIn as a lead generation channel, and extract more value from that channel. So is LinkedIn still a place where we hang our resumes, post articles and leave it up to the gods? Or is the world now turning away from FB and pictures of peoples cats and realising the full of business connections? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr AJ Wilcox. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with AJ Wilcox such as: Why the world havent quite grasped the power of LinkedIn Ads today, and how he knew that it was a goldmine made for him (although he was still scared to go after it too). How AJ remembers his first day in business and realised that he had to start ugly. He did this by simply getting referrals from people that he already knew. Simple is best. Why AJ feels that he has fallen in love with Linkedin Ads, and knows that building a business around love is the fast track to where we all head - the Money and lastly\\u2026. We discuss how businesses can move towards the franchise model, which then allows massive growth and also massive freedom in someones life.'