Lifestyle Business - Is Your Biz Big Enough

Published: Nov. 30, 2020, midnight

b'Lee LeFever is todays guest joining us on the inspired Join Up Dots business podcast. He has a belief similar to us at Join Up Dots, whereby he believes that more often than not big enough is good enough when it comes to online business. He\\u2019s inspiring entrepreneurs to rethink business success and design businesses to be intentionally small, scalable, and focused on a healthy quality of life. As he says "I\\u2019m fortunate that doing something I love has become my career. In 2003, I founded Common Craft, which is recognized worldwide as starting the \\u201cexplainer movie\\u201d movement, and it has employed me as a media maker ever since. More than anything, I am a writer. Sometimes my words become scripts for Common Craft videos, chapters in a book or issues of a newsletter. Other times, they\\u2019re used for mediocre attempts at humor in text messages. I wield my words with great care and benefit from having my wife, Sachi, as my editor. \\xa0 How The Dots Joined Up For Lee Most people consider me personable and easy-going. I smile a lot, maybe too much. My natural setting is optimistic and generally happy, with a side of anxiety. If we met in person, I would ask you a lot of questions. I try to live my life with great intention and a focus on quality. To me, this means remaining in control of my time and being willing to take risks and accept trade-offs in order to craft the life I want. Isnt that what everyone wants in life and in business. Get away from the ego driven, how big is it all movement, and focus on building a business that supports the life that you love. So did he start with this mantra to life, or was it the same as most of us, when the monster we create starts squeezing the life out of the reasons we wanted to build it in the first place? And what would be the simplest way of creating this in our lives? Focus on the business or the life that we want to lead? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Lee LeFever'