Life List

Published: May 5, 2017, midnight

b'My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who was one of the first people ever to join up dots with me on the show. Back on episode 11, we discussed his journey from a position where he was diagnosed as clinically depressed, overweight, with limited motivation, but knowing that he had to do something and do something fast. And at those points in ones life when big changes are needed, so the big questions were needed to be asked. Our guest did that by asking "Why Am I Here? and then started taking action. His professional life began flourishing, his personal life improved, and after creating his own company, publishing his first bestseller \\u201cSEO Secrets\\u201d, presenting to crowds of interested folk who flocked to hear his message, he knew it was time to reevaluate once more. He increased his focus on self development and happiness, and created his first \\u201cLife List\\u201d which quite simply he states \\u201cWas the best decision he ever made!\\u201d Setting himself a target to achieve 150 things by May 25th 2017, he set off on an adventure which is nothing short of inspiring. He lost 60 pounds, ran a marathon, sold/donated all his possessions until only owning less than 100 things, paid off all of his debts, became much more spiritual, visited all 7 continents, reconnected with friends and family and became happier than he had ever been before. And with items such as flying a plan, being on a chat show, seeing Mt Everest, getting a six pack, and living in the wilderness for a month, being just a few items on the list you can see it is a stretch of belief, as much as perseverance. But that is just one side of his story as his professional experience is also a wow too. His expertise as a SEO expert, has been cited in Time Magazine, NPR, NBC, PC World and has been translated into over 10 languages. He has spoken at Yale, the University of Washington and numerous conferences around the world. According to analytics data, his written work has been accessed in almost every country in the world. So where do we start...with the culmination of the bucket list adventure, or how he has gone from a demotivated guy, overweight and lost to a man who seems like he hits a home run every-time he swings. Well let\\u2019s just start by bringing onto the show to start joining up dots the one and only Danny Dover. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Danny Dover such as: Danny tells us how he has managed to find the time and money to achieve his life list, and you will discover it is more to do with subtraction and prioritising than anything else. Danny reveals the big wins from completing his Life List (and they certainly what I was expecting) but so valuable to all of us. We discover the big fact of how long it takes to get a six pack, and whether he has managed to cling onto it after achieving that aim. and lastly\\u2026. Why we should all consider the power of attempting monthly life-lists of small achievable things occurring locally. Breaking lifes routine can be the quickest way to a life that is a wow!'