Life Coaches

Published: Jan. 3, 2018, midnight

b'How Do You Build A Life Coaching Biz That Rocks? Jeanine Cerundolo Has Done Just That My guest today, last appeared on the show back on episode 78 of the show, and at the point was one of the founding members of the Higher Purpose Project, which we also discussed with our previous guests\\xa0Ginger Kern\\xa0and\\xa0Dan Adams. A powerful collection of individuals that have taken it on themselves to create a platform for dreamers, high achievers and goal setters, to channel their passions and overcome their fears. With a tagline of \\u201cBe Your Own Hero\\u201d the project is going from strength to strength as the world wakes up to what can be achieved if we only take action. And in todays episode we will find out if this platform is still going, and if so how has it pushed her on personally to achieve her own status of hero as he is filling more and more positivity into everyday she is on this planet. She is a workshop facilitator, yoga instructor, writer, and personal development coach and\\xa0 dedicates herself to the arenas of personal transformation, healing modalities, and community building. As she says "In\\xa0my free time, I enjoy making any kind of creative concoction with my crepe-maker, dancing to music in my headphones\\xa0in\\xa0the parks in New York City, and sharing quality time with friends. I am also very passionate about creative expression \\u2013 especially spoken word poetry, painting (finger painting counts, right?) and salsa and tango dance. In my other time, I have\\xa0coached individuals; worked designing personal development focused curriculum\\xa0and leading weekend summits for groups of\\xa0entrepreneurs and change-makers; served as\\xa0a camp counselor for an adult summer camp revolving around authentic connections sans technology; created and offered workshops on cultivating passion and purpose; and co-facilitated transformative women\\u2019s circles and NYC-based programs for career shifts and meaningful work." So can you spend so much time helping other people that you fail to truly look after yourself, or supporting other lead onto an increased personal energy that drives you forward bigtime. And for those people looking to create their own coaching business, what are the key stages that bring it all together? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up even more dots with the one and only Jeanine Cerundolo Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Jeanine Cerundolo\\xa0such as: Jeanine discusses how she tries to change her mindset to a fun one everyday, and how it has such a big impact on others. People cant fight positivity\\xa0 Jeanine shares why she feels that the school of "hard knock life" is just as important as gaining the qualification as you build a business.\\xa0\\xa0 How she started to bring customers to her business, and the steps we can all use to develop a life coaching business. and lastly\\u2026. The KonmariMethod: How To Be Tidy is a book that Jeanine recognises as one that has made a big difference in her life and certainly could help all of us.'