
Published: June 5, 2017, midnight

b'Lies, Lies, Lies everywhere. That is how it seems sometimes in life. My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who connected with the show by email, asking to appear. And believe me, we get so many of them nowadays that sometimes you don\'t give them quite the focus that perhaps you should. This wasn\'t the case with today\'s guest who hit us with "I\'ve lived in the South Pole for 13 months! My life is an ongoing adventure with worldly experiences including (but not limited to) having spent 22 months UNDERWATER on nuclear submarines, 13 months at the geographic South Pole conducting atmospheric research, 3 years shipboard in the arctic, and 1 year shipboard on the equator conducting ocean floor studies! I have written extensively on terrorism and related subjects, and authored the bestselling current events book, "The Chicken Little Agenda \\u2013 Debunking Experts\\u2019 Lies," wherein I assure your listening audience that the sky is not falling!" He is an established author, who in his own words has "spent nearly my entire life off the beaten path. " So with a history like that where do we start first? And what does he tell people he, adventurer, or someone simply living a life on his own terms? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Dr Robert Williscroft Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Dr Robert Williscroft such as: Why his life was so structured for so many years in the US Navy, which has led to his delight in the creative decision making of his later life. We discuss the issue that educated people can sometimes find themselves in, whereby the greater the knowledge they possess the more unsure they can become. and lastly\\u2026. How Donald Trump has created the "Fake News" movement and how it\'s genius lies with the ability to merge so much information into one collective. With so many angles being show, who knows what is the right one?'