Leadership Advice

Published: March 26, 2018, midnight

b'Leadership Expert Shares How Sometimes You Need To Fail To Learn How To lead My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man with an interesting tale of how he got to where he is today, By the age of 35, he had been both director at a start-up and president of a multi-million dollar sales organization. Despite his reading, the teaching, and different roles he wasn\\u2019t a good leader. None of his teams came close to reaching their potential. In frustration he gave up on management and became a consultant. Then things changed for him, and he realised that actually leadership was the key to his future, he had just gone about it the wrong way. Real leadership began when a client asked him to build a team of analysts. He started by hiring good people. And keeping an unrelenting focus on learning and improvement within 2 years the team was the envy of the organization. Eventually, he realized he hadn\\u2019t taught people how to be a good team. The team had taught him how to lead. He took his hard-won knowledge and went back into consulting, rescuing high-impact projects. In every instance there were at least two problems \\u2014 and one of them was always teamwork. Have you noticed the world is more connected, complex, chaotic, and faster than ever before? It feels like these forces are trying to rip your business and your life apart. He now speaks to organizations about the need for responsive leaders and adaptive teams. More, he lays out the steps it takes for leaders to get teams from Meh to High-Performance! So when did the penny start to drop and he realised that he was going about it the wrong way? And what stopped him thinking \\u201cI can\\u2019t go backwards, what will people think of me\\u201d? Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Jeffrey Davidson Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Jeffrey Davidson such as: Why every business says that they are unique and in fact they are all basically the same, with the same issues. Why every employee can find an area of improvement in their business that can show the world that they can consult elsewhere. How meetings and building connections are the corner stone of Jeffreys work, and should be yours too. and lastly\\u2026. Jeffrey shares the steps that it takes to become the better version of yourself, whether within the company or outside on your own.'