Lead Through Strengths With Lisa Cummings And Love Everyday

Published: March 30, 2016, midnight

b'Today\\u2019s guest following the words of Steve Jobs, is a remarkable woman, business lady, and entrepreneur who believes in something profound, and has created a career around that something too. Something that I buy into wholeheartedly. She believes that life should be built on finding your key strengths and leading the way with them. Not focusing on the things that you cant do very well, but finding the super talent that you do naturally well to then blaze a path across the world. Starting her career as a Sales Executive for Business To Business back in 1998, it appears that the path best trodden for her actually started when moving into staff development. Like myself she has spent most of her working life, building the strengths of individuals in corporations to make better, higher functioning teams. Getting people to feel inspired by the working day instead of dreading that ringing sound by the side of the bed. But what interests me is what personally was driving her back in the day. As with a career strewn with employment lasting a couple of years at each time, it is clear to me that her ambition, was equally matched with a desire to find her thing too. And now as a podcaster herself, or as she calls herself the Chief Strengths Sleuth: Host of the \\u201cLead Through Strengths\\u201d\\u200b Podcast: she helps people find and leverage their strengths at work. Complimenting her workshops, keynote speaking and by performing a role of StrengthsFinder Performance Coach, which as you know is a publication that I have recommended many times on the show she is busier than ever.. So what is it about keynote strengths that lights her up inside and makes her want to build a business around it? And is the inner talent something that is easy for someone to find themselves, or do they need a coach or mentor to point it out? And what is the fascination with moonwalking in offices, or leaping dramatically from exploding vans? Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show, to start joining up dots, with the one and only entrepreneur Lisa Cummings. To hear more from Lisa Cummings go to: Podcast:\\xa0Lead Through Strengths with Lisa Cummings | building engaged teams & stronger leadership w/ StrengthsFinder & natural talents By Lisa Cummings answers your career questions with the fun & irreverence of Pamela Slim & the practicality of Careerealism, using Gallup Strengths Finder to discover and apply your unique strengths Description: The Lead Through Strengths podcast was created for you if you\'re ready to stop taking the "path of most resistance" at work. It sounds silly, yet it happens all the time when people get focused on fixing their weaknesses. It doesn\'t have to be so hard. Stop focusing on what\'s broken about you. In Career Q&A, I\'ll show you how to find your strengths and put them to work. In the Manager Minute, you\'ll hear ideas for leading your team so they can come to work feeling more energized and engaged. If you\'re ready to get your career mojo back, Lisa Cummings delivers it with straight talk and a fun-loving approach. Listener career questions are answered in less than 15 minutes per episode. Strengths evangelists and effective leaders also guest host to offer more ideas you can put to use with your team at work. Here are some hot topic areas covered by audience questions so far: Getting promoted; discovering your strengths; getting energized and engaged with your work (yup, it\'s possible); differentiating yourself in an interview; career transition; marketing, branding, and promoting yourself; getting unstuck; connecting and networking; job search; personal leadership; side hustles; politics and perceptions at the office; getting viewed as an A player; building trust and influence at work or in your industry; money and happiness; how to get your creative mojo back; understanding how your EQ (emotional intelligence) is more important than your IQ at work; stuff you didn\'t learn in business school that\'s hurting your career; getting unstuck and un-trapped; and being a better leader Wanna be on the show? If you\'re a leader with stories about Strengths-Based Development, you\'d be a cool co-host. If you have a question for the Q&A portion of the show, we\'d love to feature it. http://pinchyourselfcareers.com/contact/'