Law Of Attraction

Published: April 17, 2017, midnight

b'My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is an a lady who calls herself a global storyteller, metaphysician and entrepreneur. As she says "I\\u2019m truly devoted to teaching people how to follow their dreams, manifesting a life they love through the spirit of GIVING. My life has been filled with character-building moments over the years to get me to where I am today. I went from being a divorcee living out of a suitcase with two small children, to now living a life of FINANCIAL FREEDOM and ABUNDANCE with the love of my LIFE. My mission is to empower you to create a life you deserve filled with love, abundance and GIVING." Wow, positive statements to start Join Up Dots are always a great way to go. So in 2010, she made the decision to leave her first marriage. Within one year of learning the law of attraction, she finally found the gumption to ask for a divorce. After 18 months of waiting for her family home to sell she left a tumultuous 7-year marriage with only her suitcases and her two little boys with over $50,000 worth of debt. She didn\\u2019t know where she was going to live or how she was going to eat. Meanwhile, she had started her company 18 months\\u2019 prior there was only small revenue coming in. Although, her new freedom felt empowering, she felt alone and scared about how she was going to take care of herself and her children. So how did she do it? How did she clear $50,000 of debt, find her way, and then start getting noticed to build the success that she wanted so badly? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Jan\\xe9t Aizenstros Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Jan\\xe9t Aizenstros such as: Why the power of giving is such a big part of her life, and why it has always been the case even when things were tough for her financially. Why she left her marriage and the dots that joined up to force her to make that decision. The big goals that she has set herself, particularly in regards to becoming the first ever billionaire to ever live in Canada. and lastly\\u2026. How she came to the realisation that she was holding onto childhood issues that needed to be resolved before she could move forward.'