Lauren Juliff: From Horrible English Vacations, Monkey Attacks To A Holiday That Never Stops

Published: July 1, 2014, 4:01 a.m.

b"Todays guest has from the first family vacations wanted to be free. She was always the child kicking up a fuss when her parents told her it was time to go home. She was always the child literally counting off the days until holidays came round again. So its with little surprise that upon reaching adulthood, that freedom of spirit has overtaken her and she has undertaken a series of footsteps in the unknown. Never Ending Footsteps\\xa0in fact, which is the name of her blog, and the perfect description of her life in distant shores. Starting the dream in 2006, it took her five years of extreme effort, working three jobs, overcoming a series of anxiety disorders, and saving everything she could, to ensure that her dream of travel could be fulfilled. And on the 17th July 2011, she departed whilst crying like a baby, and now nearly three years later as her\\xa0footsteps are able to be traced across 45 countries, and five continents,\\xa0\\xa0it seems she has no real desire to return to England and settle back into a life of normal domesticity. And why should she, since she has now found a way of funding her adventures, by blogging, writing, and other online activities too. She has become a digital nomad, and is loving every second of her life away from the rain and the cold. If this seems the perfect life, then think again, as with all things that seem an instant success, there are a collection of stumbles, falls, financial mistakes and hardships that would make many people return to the safety of their home. But today's guest is made of sterner stuff than that, and is a perfect guest for a show like Join Up Dots. So lets introduce you to the only and only, Lauren Juliff"