Kim Somers-Elgelsee: A Lady Who Can Take Us All To A Life That Is A 10 Plus

Published: July 3, 2014, 4:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest is a lady who quite simply it seems cannot stop smiling.When asked to rate her life happiness and fulfilment between one and ten,she honestly replied a ten plus which is just one of the reasons she genuinely feels she can help others get to a ten plus also.Being a life coach,TV presenter,Author,Blogger and it seems a very happy person, she has made it her life mission to help others achieve that state of happiness too.She wants us all to find our passion and purpose in life, but interestingly also develop and design it too.She believes that a life that is a WOW,is as much about conscious decision making as it is talent,opportunity, passion and the ability to overcome the fear that roots so many of us to the spot. But how has she managed to create this unshakable belief and overcome those very same fears? How has she managed to bring so many powerful media platforms together to push her message to the millions? And how has she managed to have two children, be married for 14 years, and still look younger than some of my daughters?Well lets find out, as we start joining up the dots of her life, with the one and only Kim Somers-Elgelsee.'