Keys To Success

Published: Feb. 23, 2018, midnight

b"Welcome to today's episode of the Join Up Dots, where we look at the real secrets to success as demonstrated\\xa0 by real life listeners of Join Up Dots coaching programme. Through the show we are going to bring you the big learnings that our listeners revealed they have learnt through the last four years. And why did we ask that question? Well on the 19th February 2018 it was four years since the first stages of Join Up Dots occured. That was the day when I sat and bought the URL for Join Up Dots and the show started. Mike Buckerfield Obsession with all the wrong things. Generally negative attitude. Combining those two in order to procrastinate and slow progress. Still haven\\u2019t mastered these issues yet but I am improving. Big week for us ahead and I expect to make real strides in next few weeks. Happy Birthday Join Up Dots. I was exposed to severe trauma that lasted several months where there was little to nothing I could do about the source of trauma and this resulted in PTSD symptoms and a lot of weight gain. I'm thankful that I survived the harm inflicted and am working at resolving the weight issue. Eugene Sarigumba Spending too much time learning to build a website. Should have hired someone sooner. Allowing myself to get too comfortable and forgetting my dream. Thanks for all the great podcasts David!! Steve Reza Looking back the past 4 years, I would have focused more on who I am rather than who I thought I should be. I\\u2019m realizing that I am an entrepreneur and that\\u2019s why I see things differently than most people I come into contact with. But most people in my world just want the typical things \\u2014climb the corporate ladder, then settle down into a comfortable retirement \\u2014-BORING! I want to \\u201cfly.\\u201d Anett Gobolos Happpyyy Bday, JUD!!! Actually it is indeed life changing for me as well.. I always new I wanted stg different from the regular full-time corporate jobs but I didn\\u2019t see clearly the other path. It was so unknown and scary. I\\u2019m not this lonely warrior and I have been looking for such a community for a while. Beth Dickens Happy birthday Join up dots!! I think for me David, I find it hard to know what I\\u2019d of done differently. I feel like it\\u2019s all happened for a reason which is why I\\u2019m where I am today! I somewhat wish I hadn\\u2019t took my teacher training and wasted a year of my life becoming a teacher when that is not what I wanted to do (my parents are both teachers) and I fell into the easy copy your parents trap. But I wouldn\\u2019t have travelled to Kuwait and lived there or met my boyfriend who I now live in Boston with. It all happens for a reason! I regret nothing Karen Dimmick Happy birthday JUD! It's a tough question because if I hadn't done what I'd done in the past, I wouldn't have learned what I did.... given that though, I wish I'd narrowed my target market and started writing books for them earlier than I did. Benjamin Lively Happy birthday, Join Up Dots! During the past four years, I\\u2019ve spent my mental state trying to accomplish greater positions and pay in the corporate world, believing that I as the way to climb to the top but have been miserable just about everyday.\\xa0Looking back, I should have (and now do) realized that I have a lot more to offer the world than I\\u2019m providing to the individual companies I\\u2019m working for. I have been boxing myself in thinking, this is as good as it gets. In all actually, it doesn\\u2019t get any worse! Once I realized that the reason these companies pay me a great salary was because they could use me to 20x their revenue and allow me to continue working for THEIR dream. Now, I realize there is no glass ceiling and that what I can do for them, I can certainly do for many, many others. I\\u2019ll be much happier and free and a lot more financially independent than ever before. I\\u2019ve realized that I have only been using ~40% of my total potential. Time to kick life in the balls and go after all my dreams. Fran Johnson McKay Happy birthday JUD. Thank you David for daring to start! What would I change? I\\u2019d trust the dots are leading me where I need to go. It\\u2019s not a straight line and it doesn\\u2019t always make sense but there is purpose for each one. I also wish I\\u2019d focused more on living in the present and on my family. It\\u2019s hard to get the balance right. I have a high achievement drive and it\\u2019s important that I keep it in check. Big Dreams and Big Family (I have a husband, 5 kids - only 1 still at home, 1 foster daughter, and 2 grand babies) so it\\u2019s not easy for me to balance. I\\u2019m getting better though and working less hours. Thanks again David! Gemma Louise Coleman Happy bday JUD!\\xa0\\xa0For me, I would have used my maternity leave more effectively and spent the time getting to know my real passions and what motivates me so i could create a business instead of going back to the daily grind & into another corporate role. I\\u2019ve been back at work for 12 months now and although my plan is to leave this year it\\u2019s much harder to get out of the \\u2018a regular job is safe & secure\\u2019 mindset whilst I\\u2019m there. I\\u2019m working hard on that though and plan to be out of there by July! Show Highlights So let's summarise you the Real Secrets To Success as mentioned on the show Make Sure You Have A Positive Mindset Focus In On Your Physical Wellbeing Delegate The Things That You Can't Do To Someone Else. Focus In On What You Want To Do In Life Surround Yourself With People Doing What You Want To Do Don't Regret Anything In Your Past Niche Down To Find Your Market Believe In Yourself And Your Talents Focus On Your Family, Your Business And Yourself Use Your Free Time Wisely"