Keith Kahn Harris: Motivation To Gain Career Success In Small Worlds Everywhere

Published: July 22, 2014, 4:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest is someone with a fascination for unusual facts and I guess characters and communities across the world.From a young child, he always had a interest for the obscure.And as we have found time and time again on Join Up Dots, he has now taken this childhood interest and created a career around it by travelling around the world to cultivate his curiosity of the obscure. An expert in what he calls \\u201csmall worlds\\u201d, such as the Extreme Metal scene, and the British Jewish community, he loves to research and participate in these communities, and after graduating as a sociologist at University found himself drawn again and again to these worlds.But what became clear is that there are huge commonalities within these small groups,and he developed this interest,by investigating the Luxemburg watersking scene,interviewing the most powerful politician in Alderney,and even jumped across the water to meet the Icelandic special forces known as the Viking squad. So what got him going in this direction, and how has he managed to create a life that is both hugely fascinating, but anything but usual?Well lets find out as we bring on to the show to start joining up dots, the one and only Mr Keith Kahn-Harris.'