Joylight Transformational Coaching Expert Reveals Mindset Leading To Wellness Change

Published: July 6, 2016, midnight

b'My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a lady who has had an amazing journey of self discovery and fulfilment When she was a small girl, she was in a dark place, and after a failed suicide attempt she realized that she needed serious help. Feeling rejected and confused about being given up and being adopted, she decided to do self therapy on herself as a 16 year old girl. By doing the unorthodox shock method of becoming a model. As she says "It was very painful going for auditions after auditions, alone, as a timid and self conscious teenager. However I was determined to redeem my lost self and forced myself to keep at it." And that she did. And that spirit of self improvement has carried her through her life, and now with her own self named company helping others to find their place on earth, and taking that one step further, she is also the fire-starter of For Our Children (FOC) Singapore, an initiative set up to raise funds to build schools in third world countries, helping children gain a better start in life than she was given herself.. It appears that her dots have well and truly joined up and placed her in her sweet-spot. The place that she born to flourish in. So did that little girl, who grew up into an empowered woman, ever truly believe that she could banish the darkness and live in world of light and positivity? And when did the realisation of it was up to her to take control and claim her destiny start to appear in front of her? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only Joy Leng.'