Joe Vitale

Published: Nov. 16, 2016, midnight

b'My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired\\xa0Join Up Dots free podcast interview is\\xa0a man who for many people across the world needs no introduction. He is one of the worlds best selling authors, a musician and one of the most popular and powerful copywriters from the past 25 years and expert in the Law of Attraction. Born \\xa0on December 29th 1953, in Nile, Ohio our guest was raised in a household like millions across America. It was a household that was hardworking but didnt have a lot of money to spend on luxuries. But there was support, and love, and a roof over his head. Step on a few years, and our guests life had turned on its head, leaving him at a position that many people would have struggled to overcome. He found himself homeless, broke and alone in Dallas, far from home. He lost his entire savings, about $1000, to a company promising overseas pipeline work. But instead of getting himself back to place he called home, he was\\xa0was too embarrassed to return to Ohio. Instead he survived the streets of Dallas, sleeping at the bus station, on the steps of a post office and in church pews. However instead of playing the victom, he focused 100% on the vision that he wanted in his life. To be an author of inspirational books. And little by little he held firm to this vision and changed his circumstances, to become the inspiration to millions that he is today. So when he was at his darkest points, were they really dark or just a moment that helped point the way to the future he wanted. And with his every increasing awards, and accolades, and of course wealth occuring everyday could he go back with the confidence that he could repeat the journey once more? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Dr Joe Vitale'