Job Search

Published: July 23, 2017, midnight

b'Job Search time is hard. You know what you want to do, but nobody gives you the chance to do it. Which makes todays guest entrepreneur so inspiring. As in stead of keeping on the job search odyssey she went and built it herself. My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a lady who has a background in a background in engineering, marketing and management. Which has lead to her creating a business around\\u2026. ill let you think about if for a little while\\u2026\\u2026lead generation, personal branding, communications, public speaking, social media marketing, and digital marketing. Yeah you didn\\u2019t see that coming did you? And I guess neither did our guest today, but it is true to say that at her core she has creativity flooding through her veins As she says \\u201d I was always an artist and writer at heart, but thought that when starting the job search marketing was the best way to make a living doing something that required creativity. After a few years working in an insurance company, I realized that the corporate environment wasn\\u2019t for me, and thats when I made tough decision to leave the comfort zone of my corporate job, forget about another job search and start my own business.\\u201d But her adventure had a rough start. There were many unknowns, including her ultimate job search mission. Which is the amazing part of what Join Up Dots has become for so many people across the world. It is where belief grows into action, and action grows into whatever you want for yourself. You cant see the real dream right at the very beginning, you just have to find out the vague direction that you want to go in, and then start walking. So how did our guest manage to meander her way through the obstacles and create something amazing for her, her clients and of course the world? And when she looks back does she have those \\u201cMan, what was I thinking\\u2026I could do it so much quicker now\\u201d thoughts? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Cloris Kylie Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Cloris Kylie such as: How life is built around moments and situations that are terrible and out of control, but you just cant get to where you want to be without them. Why you should be very aware of who you are working for, so that you can build products that are needed before creating them\\u2026.make sure you fill the need before anything.. Why Cloris believes firmly that we should spend more time looking back on the progress of what we have achieved than beating ourselves up about what we need to do in the future. How she believes that in the early days she had a small mindset that needed to be shook up so that she could truly start to be the person that she was born to be. And lastly\\u2026. How without two horrible Managers (who are named on the show) she wouldn\\u2019t be in the position that she is today\\u2026.thank you Managers, but you were still bad people!!! \\xa0 A Job Search when you want to be inspired, happy and motivated can be hard, so why not stop the job search and build the dream yourself?'