Jeff Goins Host Of The Portfolio Life Podcast Simply Loves The Art Of Work

Published: July 13, 2015, midnight

b'Lets start with a question on todays episode of Join Up Dots. And this is a fundamental question that can derail so many peoples dreams before they even start. How do you become something that you want to be, if you have no history, or very little history in doing that thing? How do you get to the point when other say\\u2026.\\u201doh you are so and so, I love your work!\\u201d Well, I\\u2019ll give you some thinking time whilst you ponder this. Well the answer is what todays guest did. You simply start doing that thing, keep on doing it, and be consistent until you can say that you are that thing. He wanted to be a writer, but was trapped with his daily life, family responsibilities and a myriad of other things. So he made a decision to start writing and made the time. And it didn\\u2019t matter if the time was unnatural and not conducive to developing his craft, he would write. And now in a few short years is the author of The In-Between, Wrecked, You Are a Writer and now his latest work Art Of Work. And as he says \\u201cI now spend my time writing books and trying to take over the Internet.\\u201d So how did he overcome those same self-limiting thoughts that stop so many people in their tracks? And is he proud of all his writing, or can he now see that the work has improved dramatically due to the constant effort, or the personal belief that comes with achievement? Well let\\u2019s bring onto the show to start joining up dots, as we discuss the words of Steve Jobs in todays Free podcast, with the one and only Jeff Goins. If you want to hear more from Jeff Goins go to: Podcast: the Portfolio Life With Jeff Goins Description:\\xa0Jeff Goins shares thoughts & ideas that will help you to pursue work that matters, make a difference with your art & discover your true voice!'