Jason Womack: An Entrepreneur Who Can Make Our Best Even Better

Published: June 20, 2014, 4:01 a.m.

b"My guest entrepreneur joining us on todays interview, is a man who has driven himself to the top of his business as a coach, productivity expert, and author, and is quite simply the guy to turn to if you want to make your best\\xa0even better.He has earned two Master's degrees after studying US History and Spanish Literature, and then went on to earn another in Education to understand how to teach.Add another masters in Psychology and then you really have an intoxicating and powerful mix that can look into the core of all of us, and help us raise our game.As an executive coach, he provides\\xa0practical methods to achieve quality work/life balance. You can say he is the lifestyle king. Allowing for amazing career success whilst also having the freedom to enjoy the income he earns. He has worked with leaders and executives for over 14 years in the business and education sectors, with his focus on creating ideas that matter and implementing solutions that are valuable to the organization he has been very busy indeed.While traveling worldwide, he trains and competes regularly as an age-group triathlete too.Now if all that eduction seeking and performance enhancing would make me you like me, want to throw yourself down on the nearest sofa, with a huge tub of Ben and\\xa0Jerry's and take it easy, he is not like that at all.Our guest seems to have a limlitless amount of energy.Since 2003, he has completed four 1/2 Ironman distance races, several half- marathons and several smaller triathlons around the United States, he consistently places in the top 10% of his age group in both 5K and 10K races.So without further ado, whilst we have\\xa0him sitting I guess in one spot, lets start Joining Up Dots with the one and only supe entrepreneur and author Jason W. Womack"