Jason Treu: How To Be Extra-Ordinary

Published: July 1, 2016, midnight

b"My guest on today's episode of the Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man who has certainly hustled his way to the top. Since starting his career back in 1996 when he performed the role of Assistant Account Executive for Fleishman-Hillard, it seems to me that this was a guy in a hurry. A hurry to find his true calling, and in a hurry to then deliver maximum value to the world. He moved through a couple of positions, and then started his first entrepreneurial venture with a self named PR Consultant company, before returning to the corporate gig and fine tuning his own personal and professional skills. And it seems to me it was at this part of his career that the dawning realisation of where his life was heading started to take shape Owning his own destiny, and becoming a business and social media marketing extraordinaire, specialising in teaching others to dream big and learn to overcome obstacles in order to reach their goals. He is now a public speaker, an author, and a mentor who has helped thousands of business executives and select entrepreneurs take their company growth to the next level through motivation, reassurance, and lessons on how to use social media outlets, strategic planning, and improving communication skills. Whilst he wouldn't say to anyone that he was a guru, his 20 years of experience would point otherwise. And after helping major corporate executives, including the man we hear everyday on the show Steve Jobs certainly speaks for itself. He holds a law degree and a masters degree in communications, has produced dozens of podcasts, has made appearances on multiple television shows, and is a best selling author of a book which has sold over 30,000 copies. So when did the dots start joining together for him, and the lost soul that most of us experience in our early careers gave way to a laser focused entrepreneur? And looking back on his life, and through his work with many others, do we make it harder on ourselves than we should, by not truly embracing our key skills? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Jason Treu."