Jack Canfield: Showing Us The Success Principles Of The Modern Age

Published: March 4, 2015, 5:01 a.m.

b'Todays guest quite simply needs no introduction, but hey what kind of host would I be if I didn\\u2019t build him up for the big entrance? So its Jack Canfield. Well lets start with saying its rare that you will see a bookshelf or a library that doesn\\u2019t have one of his publications sitting amongst their ranks. He is the author of the astonishingly successful series of books, that are the \\u201cChicken Soup for the Soul\\u201d series, that has been sold the world over, and counts sales as somewhere beyond 123 million copies worldwide. And the fact that Oprah can hardly state three words without speaking about her love for this book, then you know he has created something special. But his life hasn\\u2019t always been one of success, and with three marriages under his belt and a less than spectacular start to his professional life, he knows both sides of what makes a fully realised life. He has worked for a living as a psychotherapist, an educational consultant, and a trainer to name a few, but it was when he met Mr Mark Victor Hansen co-author of the Chicken Soup Series that things started to move in the direction that he visualised for himself. And through those life experiences, or up and downs, successes and failures, he learnt the Success Principles, that he found were the key to create the life that you want. And now ten years later from it first being released, he is re-publishing it, with greater insights as to what can make an amazing life, he is a man on a vision. So does he see the up and downs are actually the key points to what gives a life success, are they the foundations to maintain the momentum gained? And does he get told by every waiter in the world \\u201cAh Mr Canfield, I expect you want to have the Chicken Soup tonight, ho ho ho!\\u201d Well let\\u2019s find out as its with delight, that we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Jack Canfield.'