It Doesn't Have To be Perfect (MINDSET)

Published: Jan. 9, 2019, 11:52 a.m.

b"In today's episode of Join UP Dots we share some hugely valuable advice that can quite simply be life changing for the world. You see the world is full of people who are looking for the perfect business idea, or the perfect this or that. They walk around with ideas coming to them all the time, and for whatever reason they fail to get going on them. It might be the case that they feel that someone has done it before. It might be the case that they feel that they haven't got the personal experience to deal with the technical aspects. It might even be the case that they are frightened of trying to do the thing that they want to do, so build an unreasonable idea of what is needed. They project into the future where everything is perfectly constructed and built and stop as they aren't near to where they have to be. The key thing is you will never be anywhere near to the vision that is in your head, so stop looking for doesn't exist. I'll tell you a little story about a coaching client of mine called Chris. Chris is building a property investment business and has had one of his friends desperate to work with him for the last few weeks. This potential client, wants to work with Chris, has the money and is willing to start straight away, however Chris has been reluctant. The reason? Chris quite simply felt that his business wasn't at the point where everything was looking sexy and completed, so he dragged his feet. However, what does a customer really ask for? Sexiness or value? Or they looking for something that looks uber glossy and professional, or are they looking for and end goal and you are the person to supply it? Well the answer is obvious. They aren't looking for perfection from you, they are in fact looking for the services that you are able to provide. You do not need to offer them anything other than what they are actually looking for. So please dont get hung up on whatever is going through your head, just blast through it by taking consistent action everyday and little by little.......guess what? You end up with the perfection you are hoping for."