Interviews That Convert

Published: Feb. 20, 2017, midnight

b'My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is with a lady who I am pleased to say in a very short time has become a very good friend to me. She is without a doubt a bit mad, has bright purple hair (and you dont say that very often unless you live on Sesame Street) and is the most passionate person I have ever met in regards to making people shine as guests on a podcast. Living in Ontario Canada, she is on a mission to help the world grow organic traffic in the most personal way possible \\u2013 direct into the ears of customers across the world. What is more inspiring is how she managed to find herself in a job that quite simply shocked me when I found out and then decide that it wasn\\u2019t for her and transitioned to become who she is today. A few years ago she was a prison guard, not perhaps with bright purple hair, and had very much lost her mojo. She wanted more than what she was experiencing She wanted more of her life to be under her own control and so went after it big-time? But that\\u2019s easy to say, but very different when you actually decide to go after something new. So how do you make that transition when everything is within the routine of normal life? How do you look around and decide that what you have you don\\u2019t want, and what you don\\u2019t have is what you do want\\u2026and then make it happen? Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Nicole Holland.'