Instagram Growth Service

Published: April 17, 2020, midnight

b'Instagram Growth Service Founder Zach Benson Zach Benson is our guest today on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots podcast. A TEDx speaker, social-media trainer for international brands like The Four Seasons, Ritz Carlton, and ViceRoy, and past participant on \\u201cSo You Think You Can Dance,\\u201d He doesn\'t just manage his own Instagram network of millions; he\'s also the founder of Assistagram, where he\'s guiding other influencers and Fortune 500 companies into social-media success. You might be wondering why Instagram is so powerful to personal branding, well here are some stats: Instagram is the platform with the fastest growing audience. Instagram has over 1 billion users with 500 million being active users. Statics show that 75% of people will click buy on your landing page after seeing an Instagram ad on a real influencer\\u2019s page, which is why influencers across the internet are fighting for his services. But now his success is gaining momentum, we have to stop and reflect on where he has come from to start this remarkable journey. How The Dots Joined Up For Zach At only 4 months old, Benson, who was born in South Korea, was adopted by his parents in the States, where he was taken home to Des Moines, Iowa. Benson was one of the very few Asian kids in his school, and so was bullied and abused by his peers in school due to his ethnicity. As he says \\u201cI remember at soccer games, kids were using racial slurs, or at elementary school kids called me China boy,\\u201d Benson said. On top of looking different, he sounded different too. Benson was diagnosed with a speech impediment and was placed in speech therapy classes for an inability to say his "R"\'s With this type of background and behaviour, many people would assume that these were the characteristics of somebody who was headed down a dark road. Many of us have never had to face daily battles against racism, learning impairments, or even the inability to talk properly, but a combination of all three seems unthinkable. Like anything, though, change is a series of small steps, starting with one foot in front of the other. So why are people scared of dipping their foot into the waters of Instagram, or make such a terrible mess of things. And does he look at the things he has endured in his life, as the obstacles he had to go through or the things that he needed to get to where he is today? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr. Zach Benson Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty subjects with Zach Benson such as: Zach share the benefits of IGTV and why it is so powerful Influences shout outs are such an amazing way of growing your followers on Instagram, by getting\\xa0 We discuss the darkness that overcame Zach when he found out that he was never going to be a dancer again. And lastly\\u2026\\u2026\\u2026 Life is full of ups and downs, and sometimes its a rollercoaster, but should never be'