
Published: Oct. 29, 2018, midnight

b'Todays guest joining us on the Join Up Dots podcast is an expert in Instagram and a lady that if you opened her up would have entrepreneur written all the way through her. Actually she was back on the show on episode 259, where we talked about her early journey where she was\\xa0creating an online identity and profile,\\xa0alongside a brick and\\xa0mortar business\\xa0in the holistic world of\\xa0Kinesiology, which\\xa0is a holistic approach of simultaneously treating all the aspects of a person, emotional, nutritional, structural and energetic needs, whilst still working for the man.\\xa0 This came about after spending a number of years suffering from a vast array of illness and discomfort, she discovered this form of treatment and founded the company Body Sync in 2010, to take her\\xa0understanding and training out into the world to help others. But she needed to pivot as quite simply, although she was treating her patients to feel great,\\xa0 the business was making her ill again, as the hours were grinding her into the ground. So she did what so many people do and took the learnings from all this action taking and positioned\\xa0herself as\\xa0the Digestion Detective\\xa0 which was a franchised online show, found in ITunes and available on UK Health Radio each week, where she talked and discussed health issues. And now it seems that she has gone in a different direction, and has niched down to a tighter model, teaching health care professionals and others how to gain massive visibility online. She has seen that her colleagues are struggling to get their message out to the world, and with her Instagram coaching, podcasting school and other platforms she is showing them the way to get noticed. As she says "Having a thriving online business isn\\u2019t hard once you know a few things and who better to learn from than someone who has made every single mistake possible and still here doing her thing. " So does she look back and slap her head with a "If I only knew then what i know now how life would have been different" And is she surprised at how little people actually know today, when we are all attached to our online profiles and content like never before. Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Sam Bearfoot Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Sam Bearfoot such as: We discuss how and why people are continuing to make the same mistakes online that they have always done, even though they could find the easy way through to the gold. We share the first steps to creating Instagram success, by deciding who your customers are, and focusing the content on them, not necessarily all about yourself. Why Instragram coaching is just the starting point, and success from high numbers only comes by being consistent and posting at regular intervals and lastly\\u2026. We show the world has success online is created, by the open and frank discussion as to entrepreneurial life. Sam has created an Instagram success due to her 15 years of persistence.'