Innovation and Growth

Published: March 16, 2020, midnight

b'Introducing John Ferris John Ferris is todays guest joining us on the Join Up Dots business podcast, who is the CEO and innovation of Growth Strategist of InVision Edge. His company is focused on helping companies everywhere to innovate and grow by working with a three part strategy. His three-part Innovation and Growth Framework helps to 1. Create a radically clear strategy while obsessing on execution 2. Launch an innovation system that shows you and your teams how to turn big ideas into reality to create value 3. Engage leaders to lead in an innovative culture who are inspired to get things done As he says "Working with many of Canada\'s leading mid to large organizations, we know that you want results. Now. We focus on the quick hits that deliver fast ROI, while building longer-term innovation and growth capabilities that create ongoing results.\\xa0 But of course throughout Join Up Dots we deliver content based on giving you guys the information to take the leap and build freedom and success. So how had today\'s guest done just that, and started his own business which gives him the lifestyle he wants too? And where do companies make their biggest mistakes, that we can all learn from in our own day to day adventures? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots, with the one and only John Ferris Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with John Ferris such as: Why its so powerful to be upfront and honest when attracting your first customer when you start building your business. John shares how he always wanted to do his own thing, and simply used an in-house business strategy The reason that John calls middle management the "Concrete in the middle" and why they aren\'t connected to the businesses "Why" And lastly\\u2026.. John discusses openly why and when he decided to scale and grow his own business to more than himself. A decision that was brave but has given him so much.'