In Business You Must Go All In

Published: Sept. 13, 2021, 9:30 p.m.

b'Introducing Robert Brus Robert Brus is today\'s guest joining us on the Join Up Dots business coaching podcast and is a guest that i really wanted to come on the show. Quietly in the background I have been watching his business start from the very beginning. His business is called Go All In and as you will hear in today\'s show he is someone who is living this mantra big-time. As he says "I\\u2019ve been lucky in my life to experience many different professions. It all started in the Australian Defence Force when I was just 17-years old. I joined the Royal Australian Navy as a Combat Systems Operator and was responsible for the operation of the warships radars, sonar and electronic warfare sensors. It was a great job where I travelled the world with my mates and loved every second of it. But I longed for more and soon after my time was up I found myself in the Australian Army progressing through my basic infantry training and onto my Battalion 3RAR and the Parachute School. Beyond the ADF I have experienced many different jobs and ultimately I have found my feet outside the military as a digital marketer and entrepreneur. Life for me is super busy with 3 beautiful children (2 teenage boys and an 11 year old girl) a woman I love dearly and several businesses but I wouldn\\u2019t have it any other way. I created the \\u201cGO ALL IN\\u201d podcast to share the stories of all the amazing people I know and hopefully in the process add some value back to the world with these lessons learnt and the heartache and triumph that they have created. With all businesses that look like instant success, what has been the true story behind GO ALL IN? And where does he see people go wrong when they start, GOING ALL IN for the business, but GOING ALL OUT for their own health and mindset? Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Robert Brus. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such deep weighty subjects with Robert Brus such as: Roberts shares how his wife really pushed him into signing the London Real course and why his ego got in the way of developing his future. We discuss how so many online entrepreneur struggle with imposter syndrome and keep themselves hidden. Robert shares Grant Cordone\'s belief that obsession leads to success. But honestly how many people truly get that feeling. and lastly...... Robert asks the big question "where does money come from" which more often than not people cannot answer.'