
Published: June 18, 2018, midnight

b'How Do You Take Fun And Improvisation Into The Biz World My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired\\xa0Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a man after 20 years of performing hundreds of improv comedy shows across the country has learned that the same\\xa0principles that apply to improv comedy also apply to business, mental, and leadership skills .As an author, speaker, coach, improv comedian, and the Founder of Live Yes And!,\\xa0 he as been helping businesses and athletes apply the cornerstone improv mindset-\\u201cYES, And! To succeed in life and business for the last 10 years. In the world of improvisation, \\u201cYES, And\\u201d means accepting whatever is being given to you, and then responding and building on that reality. Most of us live life in denial \\u2013 saying \\u201cno\\u201d to reality. This leads to a life unfulfilled and lived in fear. Living \\u201cYES,And\\u201d is about accepting and embracing everything that is happening\\u2013even the bad stuff! Why? Because good or bad, the only way to move forward is by facing it and moving through it. As a professional public speaker and coach, he has trained thousands of people and dozens of organizations like the Chicago Cubs, Boston Red Sox, University of Georgia Football, US Soccer, Gatorade, PepsiCo, and Under Armour on the principles of improvisation and how developing a \\u201cYES,And\\u201d mindset will help create an engaged, creative, collaborative, and healthier life and work place. So was this a dawning realisation that his skills could be transferred into more and more lucrative areas, or a "God i need some more cash what can I do quickly?" route? And why are so many people frightened of "Yes" when it always brings some potential for growth in their lives? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Travis Thomas Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Travis Thomas such as: Why the concept of "Yes, And" was born from a desire to prove support and mindset to the corporate world which can lead to the kind of success that are required everywhere. Travis shares how throughout his journey there have been times when quite frankly he didn\'t have a clue...but that\'s ok. You can always figure things out. We discuss how the best comedy isn\'t about finding the joke, but is instead finding the truth. The connection with reality is where real humour is formed. and lastly\\u2026. Why sometimes, no matter how positive you are as an individual you have to\\xa0 wallow in your despair. You have to sit in the goo ready for the big transformation to occur.'