I Cant Stop Worrying

Published: Feb. 17, 2021, 10:53 a.m.

b'Todays show is a coaching based episode whereby David Ralph, the host of Join Up Dots, and founder of Dream Starters Academy Coaching answers listeners questions directly. He will also spend time reflecting on what occured in his show in 2016, and his plans going forward, This is a no holds bared version of the show, that will cover the following subjects sent in by listeners of Join Up Dots I am hearing a lot of people talking about sales funnels. Do you think that this is ethical or not David, and also what do you prefer for creating Sales Funnels? - Isabel Grazzi New York Hi David, i a have a huge problem that i struggle with all the time. I am a constant worrier and its making me ill. You dont seem to have a worry or care in the world. Any tips that you can share with me as I would like to be more like you - Jamelia Branch, Liverpool I am thinking of doing a podcast do you think I should do an interview show or solo, as i have deliberated over this for a year now. I see that you do mostly interviews but have started this coaching shows (which are super useful thank you) - Lin Pai, Phillipines My colleague started a business that failed after six months. He now wants to do another one with me helping him this time. Do you think that this is wise after his initial failure? - Ray Coulter.....Australia I have heard you talk about providing value first and foremost, but how do I do this? I dont have anything to offer anyone who might be able to help me - Claire Edmonds What music do you like most David? - Leah Bowls, Jackson Country Florida If you want to get your question answered on the show then simply drop us a line to: Email: joinupdots@gmail.com Facebook'