Husting To A Seven Figure Income

Published: Jan. 27, 2021, 10:37 a.m.

b'John Paragon is todays guest on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots business podcast. He joins us with a fascinating story of struggle, achievement and ultimately clarity as to where his life is heading. As he says "As an aspiring business owner and Entrepreneur, even as a young child, I have always been a believer that EVERYONE should have their own \\u201cSide-Hustle\\u201d either as a hobby or with the intention of eventually replacing your Primary Income (usually a Day Job) In this day and age, it\\u2019s easier than ever to replace your Primary Income within a short period of time by creating a business opportunity closely related to what you already love. We ALL have the ability to change lives and create our own freedom. Sometimes we just need a little direction\\u2026 How The Dots Joined Up For John Paragon And he certainly needed help to find his direction as barely scraping by, he eventually got his income slightly improved to a comfortable level. But still felt like I hadn\\u2019t made as much progress as he should have done by that point. As he says "Things really changed when I started building what is now my new \\u201cPrimary Income\\u201d and I learned how to SERVE others and the money came gradually. I turned less than \\xa310k into a 7 figure company in less than 3 years! And of course as I am a HUGE advocate of multiple streams of income and for everyone to have a \\u201cSide-Hustle\\u201d, here I am building my next empire from the ground, UP! I have managed to reach a place where I can manage my time and priorities so I only work an average of 15 hours per week. Yes, sometimes that\\u2019s slightly more but everything I do I enjoy so it\\u2019s easy to find the energy! And I want this for you too\\u2026 Not only is it very possible, it\\u2019s almost a CERTAINTY if you follow what I show you. So how do we all get to this point if for so many people they fail to even get started. And where do people go wrong when they are focusing their efforts onto the new future they deserve. Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to join up dots with the one and only John Paragon Show Highlights During todays show we discussed such weighty subjects with John Paragon How John now loves being able to come to an external business and see things that his clients just cant, due to his expanding experience. Why its so important to find people in your environment that are ahead of your and start learning from their mindsets. John shares his process of how he got his successful business off the group. and lastly....... Why it is so important for people to outsource to preserve your energy as soon as you can'