Human Resources & Marketing Strategy With Suddan N Shanmugasundaram

Published: Sept. 7, 2016, midnight

b'HR, and Human Resources Management is an issue for most businesses. But what about Human Resources For Small Busines? Well that is where todays guest comes in My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is the founder and CEO of HR CUBE, a global HR Tech startup based out of Indianapolis with markets in India and the US. And this isn\'t a surprise that he has a global business on the go, as he was quite obviously bitten by the entrepreneurial bug right from a very early age. In fact it looks as if he was born with it, as when he was in 7th grade, he came across an article about Soichiro Honda (Founder of Honda) that created a blueprint for the entrepreneurial journey that he has been on ever since. He was inspired and started to take the first steps to where he is today. However, he knew it wasn\'t going to be easy to break free from the life that he was in, so started following visualisation techniques to focus on achieving his dream of building a company, and growing up in a middle class family in India, he had to go through constant struggles to make it to the US to pursue what he saw as the next logical step. Graduating studies at NDSU, Fargo. Which he did and then the real work began. As whilst working in SAP consulting, he tried 3 different startups on the side in 7 years, none of them amounted to much, other than constant struggle for recognition and not getting a salary increase for 7 years. But this didn\'t deter him, which is the spirit that all entrepreneurs show and develop until lightning strikes and they find their find their thing. But through these disappointments he was working harder to define his ideas before he came to market, and during this time, he decided to pursue Online/Hybrid MBA at Kelley School of Business, Indiana University that gave him the next move to get full time into Entrepreneurship. As he says "Those 3 years of MBA was the best decision I made in my life" as the first idea on the road to where he is today started to grow around him. He realized that to do what he was really passionate about, he needed to do it full time. So, one day, he told his Boss that he was leaving his job to pursue his Startup Journey, and the rest as they say is history. So what was it about those early startups that caused them to fail, and now he looks backs could he have saved them or were thye always doomed? And does he think that he could have achieved the same level of success without moving to the US, or did he need this change of culture? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Suddan N Shanmugasundaram'