Huge Online Success With Quiz Builders

Published: Sept. 12, 2018, midnight

b"Today\\u2019s guest joining us on the Join Up Dots podcast business interview is a man who is thriving in the online world by getting business's to ask the right questions. Originally from a small rural town in central California he started his first business installing lawns on people\\u2019s yards at the age of 16. He eventually started tinkering with and selling computers, and made his way down to Los Angeles to attend college at UCLA. It was then that he began taking on consulting gigs building websites for small local businesses with a few of his friends. After getting a request from one of these consulting clients to have a quiz built for his website, he had a bit of a lightbulb moment.\\xa0 He is a co-founder of Interact Quiz Builder. Along with his friends he spent a few weeks building this first quiz, and after that started to talk to other business owners about whether or not they\\u2019d use quizzes in their marketing efforts. This year alone, it looks like the sacrifices required to build a business are paying off, as they have seen a 300% jump in growth and are anticipating 500% by the end of the year. Great stuff, so are there certain quizzes that convert like gangbusters or do all types do the magic? And why does he think that this works so well, in regards to lead captures unlike a normal tired old magnet? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show, to joining up dots with the one and only Mr. Josh Haynam Show Highlights Josh shares how he has developed a belief system that means he walks his own path in life. Strong will and firm mindset all the way. Why the position of grand leaders in business are not sought out by the individuals themselves, but more often than not are placed there by the followers. Why so many business's struggle with the lack of income coming into the business. This is a phase that hinders growth for most and can often be the killer. And lastly\\u2026\\u2026.. Why Josh believes his mindset changed forever by attending college. It wasn't the course material but the students he studied with that made a huge change."