How Well Do You know Yourself? (MINDSET)

Published: March 11, 2019, midnight

b"Today\\u2019s show is a solo show hosted by your friendly neighbourhood podcaster David Ralph, who is bringing his words and wisdom to the air once more.In today's episode, he talks about a series of conversations that he has had this month with listeners of the show who are looking to change their lives forever.They are coming through to the show, with frustration, desire, ambition but very much with the focus on trying to find the fast way through to what they want.Why, does anyone want to find the fast way? We can of course understand that desire, as in today's world you click a button, download an app, and you get you want.However when building an online income this just can't be the case. There is no way that you can throw something up online, and expect for the profits to come flying in.You see, the first obstacle to overcome is knowing yourself, and understanding what passion you truly have to work at something. If you are somebody that looks around, starts something and then sees the enthusiasm start to dwindle over a period of time then you need to think twice. Perhaps you are the kind of person that should work for someone else.However, if you are someone who starts gnawing away at the bone, until you get through to what you want, not letting disappointments take over, then you might well have what it takes.Through the Join Up Dots process of building the business, there have been many ups and downs. Times when it seemed like nothing was working, and the effort was intense. Hour upon hour of hard slog with no rewards.There have also been times when it seemed like nothing David did wasn't going to work. The wave was 100% flowing in his direction and took him further than he could possibly ever imagine.That momentum however, would never have been achieved without the paddling for hours when you aren't getting anywhere at all, other than putting yourself in position to gain that waves power.That is where business becomes life, and life becomes business. You become what you are creating. You become the centre point to your dreams and aspirations. You become your future.So we ask you my listeners, do you have the focus to become the center of your world, reclaiming your power and energy to be who you want to be?"