How To Write A Children's Picture Book

Published: Jan. 11, 2021, midnight

b'Introducing Matthew Ralph Matthew Ralph is our guest today on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots business podcast. He is a children\\u2019s book author from the UK\\xa0 and not just that but an an award winning and number one best selling children\\u2019s book author. He knows how to write a children\'s picture book and now helps the world to do the same. He actually wrote his first book on a plane, and turned it into a bestseller, with little to no money. As he says "I\'ve always wanted to be a writer, even as a child I loved writing little stories and dreamt of having my own book published- a dream I\'m still pursuing now at 25! I recently started writing a Young Adult (YA) fiction novel, which I am currently trying to finish and then (hopefully) get published! My ultimate dream is to be the next J K Rowling! Well with many books available in all good bookstores, and perhaps not very good ones too, he has achieved his aim and looks like the dream is coming true. So with so many unread manuscripts laying on publishers desks across the world, how did he bring his words to life? And was the hardest thing the doubts that parade in all our heads, or simply understanding the publishing progress> Well let\'s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Matthew Ralph. Show Highlights During the show we discussed such deep subjects with Matthew Ralph such as: How he had managed to get his first book up and running purely as an activity to see how it all works. Why so many families are quite willing to critique "dreams" and be less supportive of the people closest to them. Matt shares how he muddled through and learnt the steps to publishing his own book. And lastly...... We talk about the process of developing yourself and positioning yourself to expert level where your value and prices grow exponentially.'