How To Work Just A Few Hours Per Day

Published: June 18, 2021, midnight

b'Introducing Time Control Time control or as most people call it time management is a problem that so many people struggle with. You wake up each morning with all the best intentions to make a difference, and then get sucked into a never ending world of interruptions. You know the kind of things that send you off track. Just a couple of minutes on Facebook and you\'ve lost an hour or so looking at peoples kid and cats pictures. So you do a few emails, and then find that you\'ve lost another hour. So how can you make sure that you stay on track and get everything firing on all cylinders day after day? Well on todays podcast episode we discuss time control and bring our top six tips to make every day wildly productive. Listener\\xa0Question One Dear David, long term listener to the show. Back in 2018 I began the creation of my children\'s nursery for 2 to 5 year olds. I saw the need, made it happen and have been happily profitable since. However, upon the pandemic hitting and forcing us to close down, i realised that i had allowed time suckers to take over my life without me knowing. Just little things really, but when I wasn\'t working in the business, i still had loads of things to do everyday, such as emails, parent support, dealing with the local council and such things. I didn\'t start the business simply to be ploughing through an endless list of tasks everyday, but it seems that i have walked bang into just that. Any suggestions? Melanie PUK Listener Question Two Dear David, you seem to have things happily ticking along in your life, and ill be honest sound like you barely work at all. I\'m sure that this isn\'t the how do you do it? What super power do you possess that the rest of us dont, as i\'m feeling less and less sexy everyday no matter how many times you tell us to "stay sexy" Great show Eric, Buckinghamshire. Of course to hear the amazing time control advice you need to listen to todays show, and then all the others waiting for you. It might take awhile, but by then you will have become a master of time good is that?'