How To Work And Travel Without Burnout

Published: Nov. 24, 2021, midnight

b'Work And Travel Dont Mix...Or Do They? R Michael Anderson Has Made A Success Doing The Work And Travel Thing. My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is with a man who has had a fascinating and arduous journey to where he is today. He is the founder of The Executive JOY Institute, and specializes in teaching organizations, leaders, and individuals how to become even more successful through psychology, emotional intelligence, and mindfulness. Which if you have listened to episodes of Join Up Dots you will have heard similiar guests speak of such work. Where today\\u2019s guest differs is by the age of thirty-five, he had founded three international software companies, played semi-professional basketball (yes, he\\u2019s really six-foot nine!), and partied at the Playboy Mansion which sounds pretty amazing life affirming stuff. But our guest didn\\u2019t agree and knew that he wasn\\u2019t happy. Hard drugs, alcohol, a divorce, and a nasty lawsuit brought him to a low point where he needed to ask himself the big questions in life. A quest for change included earning a master\\u2019s degree in Spiritual Psychology from the prestigious University of Santa Monica. And now he has taught leaders around the world, from Panama to the Philippines to Australia and Mexico, and has worked with a broad range of clients, including Microsoft and SAP So is he what he would consider to be happy now or still searching for something unattainable to him\\u2026\\u2026simple contentment in life? And why does he think that we all set out on a path that appears to be wrong at the beginning even thouh the clues are all around us? Well let\\u2019s find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr R Michael Anderson Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Michael Anderson such as: Why he now believes that coming to grips with our feelings is one of the quickest ways to achieve massive success in our lives\\u2026\\u2026let the gut lead the way and its rarely wrong.. Why he had to make a decision to change his life for one of travel and freedom of location as he knew it would be the right one for him in the long term. We discuss why we fail so much through the education systems lack of inspiation and focus on failures\\u2026surely it should be strengths all the way? Michael shares the \\u201cShould or Fear\\u201d process of decision making in his life which he applies everyday. and lastly\\u2026. Why the Buddist prinicples of \\u201cIt is\\u201d is such a powerful way to operating in a business. By accepting everything for what it is, we dont waste time trying to change things into what it should never be.'