How To Thrive Working From Home

Published: Dec. 17, 2021, midnight

b'Stephen Warley is todays guest joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots business podcast. He is a man who seems to have had three lives. One pre internet, and then two afterwards. When he was first booked on the show back in 2015, it was whilst he was high and flying with Unstuckable Then in 2016, he pivoted and went on a mission to help the world embrace the life of entrepreneurial ventures As he says \\u201cI\\u2019m on a mission to prepare people for the future of work. Work is fundamentally changing as we know it\\xa0(and faster than most people think!) I\\u2019m sounding the alarm to warn people how to prepare for it. I\\u2019ve worked for myself for the past 17 years. I believe self-employment is the future of work. I believe it can be for everyone and not just a select few. You know what I\\u2019ve discovered is the most effective method for teaching people about business? \\xa0 Teach them first about the\\xa0Life Skills That Matter\\xa0before\\xa0teaching hard business skills.'