How To Test A Business Idea

Published: Aug. 3, 2018, midnight

b'Todays Show Responds To A Problem That Most People Have -How To Test A Business Idea In todays episode David Ralph, answers a couple questions from listeners across the world who are struggling with finding the thing that they love in life. But lets start with a review from a listener in Ireland who inspired by an episode of Join Up Dots let us know what they are\\xa0 CLC\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0\\xa0July 13, 2018 by\\xa0CillianLally\\xa0from Ireland Found this podcast a few weeks ago. Since started the ball rolling for my wife and I to start a drop shipping business. Clear, informative and light hearted. No long business monologues. Sent it to several friends since. ? Now for a question or a couple of question posed by listeners of the show, which we love to answer on the show as you will hear. Dear David, I\'ve been listening to your show for the last two years and love it. I would love to go out and do my own thing, but I just can\'t for the life of me think of what I like. I have been in a series of deadened jobs for the last ten years, and my inspiration is at an all time low. No matter how hard I rack my brains i come up blank...any ideas? - Jennifer Shower, St Louis. Mr Ralph, i hope you can find the time to answer this question. I have an idea for a business, which i have run past my friends and they think is great. However I am not sure that they are the best audience for me. How can you test this idea to see if it has value before starting work on it. I know you are going to say "you need to know the idea" but I am unwilling to share on the podcast" Thanks so much for the show, Eric Adler, Canada So what would you suggest for Jennifer or Eric? Do you have different advice than we have presented on the show? If you do then leave a voice message on the right hand side of the page and we will share with the world. Thank you so much for listening to the show David'