How To Start Your Own Business - Part Two

Published: Dec. 10, 2018, midnight

b"In the last episode of this mini series helping people find the idea that can make their own business come alive, we went through a very simple exercise. If you haven't listen to the show, then let's go through it again. But really for maximum effect jump back on to episode one, so that you can hear what to do in full. Well, as we spoke about, one of the big problems that people have is that they get so wrapped up with their own lives that they are unable to see what is under their own noses. They wake with the alarm (because they have to), they go to the office (because they have to) and basically do what people expect them to do for the remaining hours. Not good. So how do we break free from that mindset and start reconnecting with the real us. The real us that could in the future wake up with excitement and passion, due to doing what they love to do the most. Go back in time and look for all the clues you can find about your life. These might be tucked away in your Mum and Dad's house. They might be in photo albums. They might be in a box of treasures that you aren't sure why you keep but can show so much. Look for the things you used to do, just because you used to do them. You loved doing them, and never considered them a waste of time. You just enjoyed every second and would do them for free. We give some more exercises that can really break those things down and now lead us into episode two. Now you have a list of the things that you love doing, what do you do with that information? How can you translate this into a great business, that not only you love but your customers love too? Well, we need to go and do some more research to see what other people are doing. You see that is one of the problems that we have in life. What we see around us becomes our reality. We see people working in offices, so it's really hard to break free from the thinking off this is what life is about. This is where YOU go to work everyday. But believe me, through Join Up Dots interviews I have spoken to people who work from home, up mountains, in forests, on beaches, in community work spaces everywhere you can think off. They have broken down what life wants them to think, and gone a different way. So imagine that you have created a list where there is an overriding theme of fitness activities. You love to be active and would love to build a business around this. You might also see a smaller theme whereby you like being outside in the fresh air, instead of being trapped in a cubicle with a suit and tie on...BOOM. Now this is the fun part when you can start taking those ideas and playing around on the worldwide web to see what other people are doing. Some things you will think \\u201cNah, couldn't bear doing that everyday\\u201d.....whilst other things you will think \\u201cYeah that looks really fun\\u201d. So get the list going and see what the world has to offer, and believe me the world has more to offer than you can possibly imagine."