How To Start Your Own Business - Part Three

Published: Dec. 14, 2018, midnight

b'Welcome to todays episode of Join UP Dots, where in the show we continue on with the Mini Course - How To Start Your Own Business - Part Three This has been in response to the amount of people that have connected with the show with the same frustrations. "David I would love to start my own business, but I simply haven\'t got a clue what I want to do!" Which isn\'t a surprise, as when do we really ever stop to think about what we do really well and how to make a business from those things? We don\'t, we simply go through the education system and get used to being told what we are good at, and more often than not what we aren\'t very good at. We have to remember that this is just one persons opinion, and in history it has been proved wrong time and time again. From sportsmen, to dancers, to artists to musicians, people have been told that they shouldn\'t go into an environment when actually the world was waiting for them to do just that. So how do we do this? How do we start changing our lives and finding the thing that will light us up inside more than anything? Well, following on from Part One and Part Two, as you will hear in today\'s episode we have to do our research to delve deep into ourselves and ask the big questions. We refer you to an amazing resource called Strength Finders 2.0\\xa0which really helps you find the things that you are best at, and turn them into super strengths. The more you can do in your life what you are best at, then the greater the value you can provide, leading to huge income coming your way. Its a bit more than that, and does take work, but it will certainly head you in the right direction for sure. So\\xa0 focus in on what you do well, and then return to episode four of our mini series which shows how to find the money in those talents Things are starting to get sexy!!!'