How To Start Your Own Business - Part One

Published: Dec. 3, 2018, midnight

b'In todays episode of Join Up Dots, David Ralph helps everyone with the age old problem that he hears time and time again. "David, I would love to start my own business but I haven\'t got a clue what I could build it on" You see most of us operate in a world where we do what is expected of us. We go through school because we are told to, and then attempt the exams that we think will make a difference to us moving forward. We attempt the right exams that will look good on our cvs, and not really because they are fun, play to our strengths or just challenging and testing. That is bad mistake and leads us all on to a path where we are giving our control over to other parties. So how can we change this and make a difference in not just our lives but also the lives of our families? Quite simply we start focusing in on the things that we enjoy the most and here is the kicker, the things that play to our strengths. You see the world actually need our strengths and will pay good money for the things that we can do really easily. That\'s not what you actually think is it? If you are reading this then you will be thinking that life has to be hard, work has to be difficult to get the great rewards but that is so wrong on so many levels. So get a piece of paper, close the curtains from outside distractions and start the exercise that David will be sharing with you in this episode. As he says, you must take it seriously and do your work over a period of time. Ten minutes here and there just wont cut it. You are changing your life after all. Look out for the next episode where we go deeper into the subject and find even more avenues to change your life forever.'