How To Start Your Own Business - Part Four

Published: Dec. 26, 2018, midnight

b"Welcome to todays episode of Join UP Dots, where in the show we continue on with the Mini Course \\u2013 How To Start Your Own Business \\u2013 Part Four As you will have seen and heard in the previous episodes, to start your own online business you really need to understand yourself and your desires. No matter how much you think that the reason for starting a business is the money it never is. People want their own business for so many different reasons: Control, time freedom, health reasons the list goes on and on and on, and rarely is the real truth money. What also is the truth is most people fail in business as they choose a subject that they just aren't very good at. They dont have the skills to make it a success. Which is why on Part Three of the Join Up Dots Course, we dig even deeper and get everyone of our students to look at their skills, talents and personal beliefs by taking a series of online tests. So if you are now at this stage, then you should not only know what business you would like to work in, but also be aware what is the right business for you. You know your strengths. Now lets go back into the research stage and start looking at those business again, and this time start reviewing the monetization options. Lets see what other people are doing and start making a list of the things that make money that we can do too. You will be surprised at some of the things that people are making money from. Certainly even after 15 years of online success I still am blown away by the kind of things that people do every day. These could be ebooks, courses, coaching as I always say the list goes on and on. Be creative and make sure that you leave no stone unturned. For more information regarding drilling down deep to see where the money is then of course listen to the show above as we build on this subject and future episodes. Thanks for listening and we hope to see you again soon."