How To Start A Podcast

Published: Feb. 12, 2018, midnight

b'Fancy A Behind The Scenes Look At How To Start A Podcast? My guest today, on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots free podcast interview is a an with over 30 years of business experience as an entrepreneur, business owner, and leader. His book, Nice Guys Finish First is a #1 ranked Amazon Best Seller. He specializes in making connections, building relationships and strengthening bonds both inside and outside organizations. His speaking and consulting business is geared towards improving relationships and winning business through his time tested sales, service and relationship building system. He is a nationally recognized speaker, trainer and podcaster. He has been titled by a leading social media marketing company in the top \\u201c100 of Social Media Thought Influencers to Follow.\\u201d and with his podcast with Strickland Bonner, The Nice Guys on Business, he has over 500 episodes and more than 1 Million downloads. But at his core he is a man who seems to be finding the love in his life more and more , and enjoying himself as he builds his business. Now he is using that experience to help businesses and brands grow their audience with TurnKey Podcasting, where he takes away all the hassle from launch and producing a podcast to leave his clients with the time to do what they do best. And enjoy their own lives in the process. So is this a business born out of his own painful journey into podcasting hell, or simply an idea born from multiple conversations? And is he where I suggested in the intro, that enjoyment is the driving force in his life, or simply very good at hiding it? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr. Doug Sandler Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weighty topics with Doug Sandler such as: How the majority of podcasters aren\\u2019t making any money on their podcast, and why that is quite an easy thing to change quickly. Doug shares how people take four years in their business before they really grasp what they are building. Many detours are taken until clarity is achieved. We discuss how it is so important to invest in yourself to fast track your progress. Dont think of it as expense, but instead look at it as something that you are stupid not to do. and lastly\\u2026. Why Doug will only focus in 2018 on his zone of genius, and how both him and his team see this as a huge improvement for everybody concerned.'