How To Start A Digital Marketing Agency

Published: Nov. 17, 2021, 1:24 p.m.

b'Luke Hyde is our guest joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots business podcast. He is a 20 year old entrepreneur who has a digital marketing agency whose clients are small businesses.\\xa0 It wasn\'t an obvious route to where he was today, but it was one that wouldn\'t have occurred without taking action..perhaps imperfect action but he started. As he says "I was listening to podcasts while mopping floors in a church and decided to learn everything I could about digital marketing., and now today I am an agency owner.\\xa0 The reason that he wanted to develop his online skills was when he realised that many small business are struggling right now. He goes on to say "If your business is struggling, you\\u2019re not alone. 2020 was hard for everyone, especially small businesses. My own business was affected last year, and it was during this year I realized a massive problem. How The Dots Joined Up For Luke The world is becoming more and more digital, so if small businesses want to survive and continue to get business, they need to shift their marketing efforts online. However, most of them don\\u2019t have the money, time, or knowledge on how to do so. So I have launched The Small Business Digital Roadmap is designed to give you exactly what you need to know to get started with online marketing, without having to waste time and effort scouring the Internet for the answers. All the information in this program is concise and user friendly, so even with no prior digital marketing experience, you can benefit. Finally, the strategies taught in this course have been tested and proven to work for small businesses, so you will be able to generate the same if not better results than hiring a marketing company. The best part: you only have to pay a one time fee and you get access to the program for life. So how did he speed through to where he is today, by finding out the right answers to marketing that he could then test out himself. And why as a young man did he have the desire to start his own business, and as many find out it might seem easy from the front, but the backend is very very difficult. Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Luke Hyde.'