How To Scale A Business

Published: Aug. 15, 2018, midnight

b'Today\\u2019s guest, joining us today on the Join Up Dots podcast interview, is a chap who knows how to scale a business. \\xa0 From the UK, but running away from sheep, sheep and more sheep. Yes, he is originally from New Zealand but now calls the home of warm beer, ultimate football failure, and Ant & Dec his home. He is a Business Scaling Strategist and accomplished leader with SME, mid-sized and FTSE 250 company experience. His career track record is dominated by leading and scaling 7, 8 & 9-figure rapid growth companies. His roles have included CEO of a 25 million enterprise providing services to central and local government and MD of a 240 million business unit responsible for leading a team of over 1000 people operating in 135 sites in 23 cities. One of his greatest successes included being part of leadership team that grew a real estate business 2000%, from SME to FTSE 250 company, in 8 years. These days you will find him on \\u201cSummit SCALE\\u2122: The Seven to Eight-Figure Business Growth Model\\u201d a blended learning program that equips seven-figure entrepreneurs with an eight-figure scale model to speed the growth of their business, ultimately for control and choice over exit. His work has spanned different industries including, among others, healthcare, energy, arts & entertainment, government services, professional services, real estate, housing, and manufacturing. So how long did he hold back from saying onto the world \\u201cHey guys you are already doing really well\\u2026\\u2026im the guy to make it go really well\\u201d And did he always want to be an entrepreneur, or did circumstances more than desire lead to him making the leap? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr. Shane Spiers Show Highlights Shane talks openly about his dislike and struggle to find new clients and the cold calling which is 96% of businesses ever make it to a million and beyond and the reasons that keep then from breaking through that ceiling. Why as a leader you have to set the structure of the business as quickly as possible to stand any chance of making it a success. Why 90 day goal setting is such a big part of Shanes business, and he reasons that it should be part of yours too. And lastly\\u2026\\u2026.. How Shane pushed past through the \\u201cholding back mindset\\u201d that can derail dreams and future ventures like a pro'