How To Run Nine Businesses In Just A Few Hours Per Week

Published: July 1, 2019, midnight

b'Brad Sugars has come from humble beginnings but has built a life and a business that many would cite as the very definition of success. Sugars, a self-made multi-millionaire, is the founder of the global business coaching franchise ActionCOACH\\u2122, an international business speaker, author, and entrepreneur. Sugars has written\\xa017 business books, the "Instant Success" series, which were originally self-published. In 2006, when McGraw Hill bought the international publishing rights to the series, it was the largest multi-business book deal involving a single author. His ActionCOACH\\u2122 team works with tens of thousands of business owners in more than 60 countries with his simple yet powerful business growth techniques every day. Professionally, nobody has created a bigger impact in Sugars\' life than Jim Rohn. How The Dots Joined Up For Brad As a teen, he scrimped and saved his allowance in order to afford tickets to a Rohn seminar, and despite being the youngest person in the audience, what he learned there has informed his own business practices and philosophies on life. Sugars has a dynamic stage presence and enjoys motivating and educating other business owners through his online content (videos, podcasts), books and real-world interactions such as classes, seminars, and speaking engagements. His straight-forward Aussie style has branded him as a leader that will tell you what you need to hear, not necessarily what you want to hear--and for more than two decades, millions of people worldwide have been listening. Sugars is equally as passionate about his family as he is about business. A husband and father of five, Sugars and his wife are survivors of the Route 91 tragedy which affected the lives of thousands in Las Vegas during a country music festival in 2017. His young daughter, Riley Brown Sugars, is the youngest survivor of the attack and has been featured in multiple media stories. Brad has a new book with co-author Monte Wyatt "Pulling Profits Out of a Hat."\\xa0 This\\xa0Best-Selling\\xa0book is\\xa0available for sale on\\xa0Amazon\\xa0\\xa0or in bookstores nationwide or purchase the book now at\\ So is this a life he loves or just a stepping stone towards a life that is totally aiming towards? And what is it about coaching and building a coaching business, that not only excites him and delights him? But makes him want to come back to it every single day. Well let\'s find out as we bring into the show to start joining up up dots with the one and only Mr. Brad Sugars.\\xa0 Show Highlights During the show we discussed such weight subjects with Brad Sugars such as: The reasons most people don\'t actually build a business, but actually create a job. This is a big mistake. Brad shares the early days of his business and why its so important not to bootstrap nowadays but gain investment from the right sources. Why the words Hustle and Grind are just another word for "Stupid" in Brad Sugars mind. Why your first four or five jobs should be about finding the right mentor and not how much they will pay. Why fun should be one of the key elements to your business if not the cornerstone of everything And lastly......... Why the words "Never wish your life is easy, wish that you are better" is never far from his mind.'