How To Overcome Challenges And Build Success

Published: Jan. 24, 2022, midnight

b'Ken Marshall is today guest joining us on the Steve Jobs inspired Join Up Dots podcast is Ken \\u201cMagma\\u201d Marshall is the Chief Growth Officer and Managing Partner at RevenueZen. They are a US based agency providing content marketing and lead generation for a whole host of different markets online and off. As they say "Whether you\\u2019re a Series C SaaS powerhouse blitzscaling to the moon, or a patent law consulting firm, we\\u2019ve got you covered. We know that each industry has its own challenges and throughout the last 7 years, we\\u2019ve just about seen it all. That\\u2019s why our strategists and campaign managers have developed unique strategic approaches for every industry that we work with. He\\u2019s been professionally interneting for the past seven years and has shifted his focus to all things SEO and inbound for the last five . How The Dots Joined Up For Ken Ken is an endlessly curious person with a cliche coffee addiction and a burning desire to encourage and empower others to pursue meaningful lives. He openly shares that "I\\u2019ve been sitting on a few ideas that I think will be useful to the world as well. These tools are much more ambitious and have no set official launch date.\\xa0 Just know they\\u2019re coming.\\xa0 Overall, I\'m excited to see what my mad scientist brain comes up with and what we as a team are able to achieve this year.\\xa0 I\\u2019m not going to give some long drawn out speech about why 2022 is the year of innovation, purpose, or goal setting.\\xa0 In my opinion, we should always be doing all of that stuff. So where does he find his seemingly unlimited enthusiasm for entrepreneurship and well it seems life (other than the coffee addiction?\\xa0 And where does he see his biggest achievement in earning his own income, starting or simply keeping going? Well lets find out as we bring onto the show to start joining up dots with the one and only Mr Ken Magma Marshall.'